AELFE2017: Keyword Index

Academic EnglishEnglish as a lingua franca on the International Campus of Excellence: initiatives and outcomes
Academic English at Graduate SchoolNeeds analysis and competence profiling through ethnographic methods: the case of the Academic English course at the Graduate School of a Spanish university
academic vocabularyCLIL and academic vocabulary: a preliminary study of secondary-school learners’ academic vocabulary size
academic writingAcademic writing for Spanish scholars: exploring the challenges with argumentation analysis
advertisingEl aula intercultural: Análisis contrastivo de las expectativas de alumnos de diferentes nacionalidades ante un curso de IFE. Estudio de un caso.
Aircraft-accident docketsThe proximal narratives of online risk communication: fatal aircraft-accident synopses by the U.S. Transportation Agency Safety Board
ArgumentationAcademic writing for Spanish scholars: exploring the challenges with argumentation analysis
bilingualismEnglish for History: Designing a bilingual glossary of specific terms
blended learningSteps towards flipping classes in Higher Education (ESP)
BolognaThe growth of EMI tertiary programs in Spain: novel approaches to developing linguistic competence in instructors
CLILCLIL and academic vocabulary: a preliminary study of secondary-school learners’ academic vocabulary size
Internationalization strategies in Portuguese Higher Education Institutions – time to move on and to move beyond
community-driven learning systemA community-driven language app for learning maritime English vocabulary
competence profilingNeeds analysis and competence profiling through ethnographic methods: the case of the Academic English course at the Graduate School of a Spanish university
Conversaciones realesPragmática e interpretación telefónica: un estudio sobre ataques contra la imagen de los intérpretes (FTA, Face threatening acts)
developmentExploring EMI lecturers’ attitudes and needs
dictionariesEl lenguaje para fines artísticos: las traducciones de tondo al español
digital narrativesThe proximal narratives of online risk communication: fatal aircraft-accident synopses by the U.S. Transportation Agency Safety Board
English as a lingua francaEnglish as a lingua franca on the International Campus of Excellence: initiatives and outcomes
English as a medium for instructionThe growth of EMI tertiary programs in Spain: novel approaches to developing linguistic competence in instructors
English for HistoryEnglish for History: Designing a bilingual glossary of specific terms
English-mediumExploring EMI lecturers’ attitudes and needs
ESPEnglish for History: Designing a bilingual glossary of specific terms
El aula intercultural: Análisis contrastivo de las expectativas de alumnos de diferentes nacionalidades ante un curso de IFE. Estudio de un caso.
ethnographic methodologyNeeds analysis and competence profiling through ethnographic methods: the case of the Academic English course at the Graduate School of a Spanish university
Face threatening acts (FTA)Pragmática e interpretación telefónica: un estudio sobre ataques contra la imagen de los intérpretes (FTA, Face threatening acts)
firm performanceFirm Performance: Does Mastering a Foreign Language Matter?
flipped learningSteps towards flipping classes in Higher Education (ESP)
fluencySteps towards flipping classes in Higher Education (ESP)
foreign languageFirm Performance: Does Mastering a Foreign Language Matter?
GlobalizationConnecting language students internationally in an era of heightened nationalism
glossaryEnglish for History: Designing a bilingual glossary of specific terms
Higher Education (HE)Internationalization strategies in Portuguese Higher Education Institutions – time to move on and to move beyond
ICCAGELas Competencias de Comunicación Intercultural en la Empresa Global y su Desarrollo en el Aula de Español Para Fines Económicos y Comerciales.
ICTsLanguage and culture for migrants through ICT and media educational pills
ImmigrantsLanguage and culture for migrants through ICT and media educational pills
instructionExploring EMI lecturers’ attitudes and needs
intercultural analysisEl aula intercultural: Análisis contrastivo de las expectativas de alumnos de diferentes nacionalidades ante un curso de IFE. Estudio de un caso.
Intercultural Business CommunicationLas Competencias de Comunicación Intercultural en la Empresa Global y su Desarrollo en el Aula de Español Para Fines Económicos y Comerciales.
intercultural communicationCommunication in virtual work: Towards a reliable framework for piloting training modules
intercultural communicative competenceLas Competencias de Comunicación Intercultural en la Empresa Global y su Desarrollo en el Aula de Español Para Fines Económicos y Comerciales.
International Campus of ExcellenceEnglish as a lingua franca on the International Campus of Excellence: initiatives and outcomes
international collaborationConnecting language students internationally in an era of heightened nationalism
InternationalisationEnglish as a lingua franca on the International Campus of Excellence: initiatives and outcomes
Internationalization strategies in Portuguese Higher Education Institutions – time to move on and to move beyond
Internationalised universitiesEnglish as a lingua franca on the International Campus of Excellence: initiatives and outcomes
Internationalization policies in portuguese HEInternationalization strategies in Portuguese Higher Education Institutions – time to move on and to move beyond
Interpretación telefónicaPragmática e interpretación telefónica: un estudio sobre ataques contra la imagen de los intérpretes (FTA, Face threatening acts)
language learningEl aula intercultural: Análisis contrastivo de las expectativas de alumnos de diferentes nacionalidades ante un curso de IFE. Estudio de un caso.
languages for artistic purposesEl lenguaje para fines artísticos: las traducciones de tondo al español
learner-centred environmentA community-driven language app for learning maritime English vocabulary
lecturer's attitudesExploring EMI lecturers’ attitudes and needs
Lengua alemana con fines específicosConsideraciones morfológicas en torno a la terminología del sector turístico aplicado a la lengua alemana con fines específicos
lexicographyEl lenguaje para fines artísticos: las traducciones de tondo al español
English for History: Designing a bilingual glossary of specific terms
libros de viajePréstamos en el recorrido por España de Richard Twiss, un viajero ilustrado
Literatura de viajesPréstamos en el recorrido por España de Richard Twiss, un viajero ilustrado
Léxico turísticoConsideraciones morfológicas en torno a la terminología del sector turístico aplicado a la lengua alemana con fines específicos
MALLA community-driven language app for learning maritime English vocabulary
Maritime EnglishA community-driven language app for learning maritime English vocabulary
mediaLanguage and culture for migrants through ICT and media educational pills
MorfologíaConsideraciones morfológicas en torno a la terminología del sector turístico aplicado a la lengua alemana con fines específicos
multiculturalismEl aula intercultural: Análisis contrastivo de las expectativas de alumnos de diferentes nacionalidades ante un curso de IFE. Estudio de un caso.
NationalismConnecting language students internationally in an era of heightened nationalism
needs analysisNeeds analysis and competence profiling through ethnographic methods: the case of the Academic English course at the Graduate School of a Spanish university
Online synopsesThe proximal narratives of online risk communication: fatal aircraft-accident synopses by the U.S. Transportation Agency Safety Board
OntologíaTerminología y traducción en contextos especializados (alemán-español): el sector vitivinícola
peer assessmentA community-driven language app for learning maritime English vocabulary
pillsLanguage and culture for migrants through ICT and media educational pills
pilotingCommunication in virtual work: Towards a reliable framework for piloting training modules
platformLanguage and culture for migrants through ICT and media educational pills
Portuguese Higher Education InstitutionsInternationalization strategies in Portuguese Higher Education Institutions – time to move on and to move beyond
productive skillsSteps towards flipping classes in Higher Education (ESP)
ProximisationThe proximal narratives of online risk communication: fatal aircraft-accident synopses by the U.S. Transportation Agency Safety Board
Préstamos lingüísticosPréstamos en el recorrido por España de Richard Twiss, un viajero ilustrado
ReasoningAcademic writing for Spanish scholars: exploring the challenges with argumentation analysis
risk communicationThe proximal narratives of online risk communication: fatal aircraft-accident synopses by the U.S. Transportation Agency Safety Board
secondary educationCLIL and academic vocabulary: a preliminary study of secondary-school learners’ academic vocabulary size
siglo XVIIIPréstamos en el recorrido por España de Richard Twiss, un viajero ilustrado
SpanishLas Competencias de Comunicación Intercultural en la Empresa Global y su Desarrollo en el Aula de Español Para Fines Económicos y Comerciales.
Spanish - Foreign languageLas Competencias de Comunicación Intercultural en la Empresa Global y su Desarrollo en el Aula de Español Para Fines Económicos y Comerciales.
strategic maneuveringAcademic writing for Spanish scholars: exploring the challenges with argumentation analysis
successFirm Performance: Does Mastering a Foreign Language Matter?
TAPPConnecting language students internationally in an era of heightened nationalism
Teaching English for Academic Purposes in an EFL contextNeeds analysis and competence profiling through ethnographic methods: the case of the Academic English course at the Graduate School of a Spanish university
terminologyEl lenguaje para fines artísticos: las traducciones de tondo al español
terminologíaTerminología y traducción en contextos especializados (alemán-español): el sector vitivinícola
Consideraciones morfológicas en torno a la terminología del sector turístico aplicado a la lengua alemana con fines específicos
tertiary educationThe growth of EMI tertiary programs in Spain: novel approaches to developing linguistic competence in instructors
TourismEl lenguaje para fines artísticos: las traducciones de tondo al español
traducciónTerminología y traducción en contextos especializados (alemán-español): el sector vitivinícola
traducción especializadaTerminología y traducción en contextos especializados (alemán-español): el sector vitivinícola
Training modulesCommunication in virtual work: Towards a reliable framework for piloting training modules
U.S. National Transportation AgencyThe proximal narratives of online risk communication: fatal aircraft-accident synopses by the U.S. Transportation Agency Safety Board
UniversityThe growth of EMI tertiary programs in Spain: novel approaches to developing linguistic competence in instructors
viajeros ilustradosPréstamos en el recorrido por España de Richard Twiss, un viajero ilustrado
virtual communicationCommunication in virtual work: Towards a reliable framework for piloting training modules
VitiviniculturaTerminología y traducción en contextos especializados (alemán-español): el sector vitivinícola
workplace languageCommunication in virtual work: Towards a reliable framework for piloting training modules
writing and translationConnecting language students internationally in an era of heightened nationalism