Society 5.0 2023: Keyword Index

Actor NetworksAnalysing Barriers in the Business Ecosystem of European MaaS Providers: An Actor-Network Approach
Actor-Network TheoryAnalysing Barriers in the Business Ecosystem of European MaaS Providers: An Actor-Network Approach
AgileAgile Management in Cybersecurity
AI agentGame-based learning - Teaching Artificial Intelligence to play Minecraft: a systematic literature review
Application Lifecycle ManagementA system of customer co-creation for new product development of digital products with a pilot study of the Swiss media industry
Artificial IntelligenceExamining the Barriers and Enablers of AI Adoption in a Multimedia Organization
Artificial Intelligence adoptionExploring the social and technical factors in organisational AI adoption: A systematic literature review
attentionSuccess factor focus and attention in study and work - a call for action at institutes of higher education in a more and more digitalized world
attention crisisSuccess factor focus and attention in study and work - a call for action at institutes of higher education in a more and more digitalized world
Augmented AIExploring the social and technical factors in organisational AI adoption: A systematic literature review
AwarenessA Cyber Attack Simulation for Teaching Cybersecurity
BarriersAnalysing Barriers in the Business Ecosystem of European MaaS Providers: An Actor-Network Approach
Barriers and EnablersExamining the Barriers and Enablers of AI Adoption in a Multimedia Organization
Business ecosystemsAnalysing Barriers in the Business Ecosystem of European MaaS Providers: An Actor-Network Approach
Business Process ManagementA First Step Towards a “Smart City Brain” for Sustainable Development - Turning Experiences of Two Cities into Replicable Processes
ChecklistDisruptive innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises: a key factors checklist
Cirular EconomyA First Step Towards a “Smart City Brain” for Sustainable Development - Turning Experiences of Two Cities into Replicable Processes
complaint managementRevitalizing Public Trust through Efficient Complaint Management: A Comprehensive Study on the Impact and Effectiveness of Public Complaint Management System of Malaysia
cross-case analysisAnalysing Barriers in the Business Ecosystem of European MaaS Providers: An Actor-Network Approach
cross-platform analysisUncovering Cross-Platform Spreading Patterns of Fake News about Covid-19
Customer CentricityA system of customer co-creation for new product development of digital products with a pilot study of the Swiss media industry
Customer co-creationA system of customer co-creation for new product development of digital products with a pilot study of the Swiss media industry
cyber attacksA Systematic Literature Review on Cybersecurity Threats to Healthcare Data and Mitigation Strategies
Cyber SecurityA Cyber Attack Simulation for Teaching Cybersecurity
CybersecurityAgile Management in Cybersecurity
A Systematic Literature Review on Cybersecurity Threats to Healthcare Data and Mitigation Strategies
Cybersecurity incidentsA Systematic Literature Review on Cybersecurity Threats to Healthcare Data and Mitigation Strategies
data protectionPersona-oriented Data Protection Impact Assessment for Small Businesses
Data Protection Impact AssessmentPersona-oriented Data Protection Impact Assessment for Small Businesses
Data SecuritySociety 5.0-Inspired Digitalization Framework for Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture
decision makingExamining the Barriers and Enablers of AI Adoption in a Multimedia Organization
Design ScienceAgile Management in Cybersecurity
Design ThinkingA system of customer co-creation for new product development of digital products with a pilot study of the Swiss media industry
digital productsA system of customer co-creation for new product development of digital products with a pilot study of the Swiss media industry
DigitalizationSuccess factor focus and attention in study and work - a call for action at institutes of higher education in a more and more digitalized world
disinformationEmotionally driven fake news in South Africa
disruptive innovationDisruptive innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises: a key factors checklist
EducationSuccess factor focus and attention in study and work - a call for action at institutes of higher education in a more and more digitalized world
A Cyber Attack Simulation for Teaching Cybersecurity
EmployeeLeading in Society5.0, The 5Co Leadership Concept
European General Data Protection RegulationPersona-oriented Data Protection Impact Assessment for Small Businesses
Fake News DetectionUncovering Cross-Platform Spreading Patterns of Fake News about Covid-19
focusSuccess factor focus and attention in study and work - a call for action at institutes of higher education in a more and more digitalized world
FrameworkAgile Management in Cybersecurity
game-based learningPlayWithUnicam: An extensible platform for serious games
Game-based learning - Teaching Artificial Intelligence to play Minecraft: a systematic literature review
GamificationPlayWithUnicam: An extensible platform for serious games
General Systems TheoryExamining the Barriers and Enablers of AI Adoption in a Multimedia Organization
Generation ZSuccess factor focus and attention in study and work - a call for action at institutes of higher education in a more and more digitalized world
hate speechCombating Hate: How Multilingual Transformers Can Help Detect Topical Hate Speech
Healthcare dataA Systematic Literature Review on Cybersecurity Threats to Healthcare Data and Mitigation Strategies
human centred learning in a digital worldSuccess factor focus and attention in study and work - a call for action at institutes of higher education in a more and more digitalized world
human needsLeading in Society5.0, The 5Co Leadership Concept
InnovationA system of customer co-creation for new product development of digital products with a pilot study of the Swiss media industry
InteroperabilitySociety 5.0-Inspired Digitalization Framework for Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture
Interpersonal BehaviourSystemic risk enacted by emotionally driven client behaviour on South African mobile banking systems: A structured literature review through the theoretical lens of interpersonal behaviour
KNIMEA First Step Towards a “Smart City Brain” for Sustainable Development - Turning Experiences of Two Cities into Replicable Processes
knowledge creationA system of customer co-creation for new product development of digital products with a pilot study of the Swiss media industry
Knowledge ManagementSelecting a Knowledge Management Methodology in Society 5.0
LeaderLeading in Society5.0, The 5Co Leadership Concept
LeadershipLeading in Society5.0, The 5Co Leadership Concept
lifecycleA system of customer co-creation for new product development of digital products with a pilot study of the Swiss media industry
machine learningUncovering Cross-Platform Spreading Patterns of Fake News about Covid-19
Combating Hate: How Multilingual Transformers Can Help Detect Topical Hate Speech
managementAgile Management in Cybersecurity
mental healthSuccess factor focus and attention in study and work - a call for action at institutes of higher education in a more and more digitalized world
methodologySelecting a Knowledge Management Methodology in Society 5.0
Minecraft Reinforcement LearningGame-based learning - Teaching Artificial Intelligence to play Minecraft: a systematic literature review
misinformationEmotionally driven fake news in South Africa
mitigation strategiesA Systematic Literature Review on Cybersecurity Threats to Healthcare Data and Mitigation Strategies
Mobile Banking SystemsSystemic risk enacted by emotionally driven client behaviour on South African mobile banking systems: A structured literature review through the theoretical lens of interpersonal behaviour
Mobility as a ServiceAnalysing Barriers in the Business Ecosystem of European MaaS Providers: An Actor-Network Approach
multitaskingSuccess factor focus and attention in study and work - a call for action at institutes of higher education in a more and more digitalized world
Natural Language ProcessingEmotionally driven fake news in South Africa
Combating Hate: How Multilingual Transformers Can Help Detect Topical Hate Speech
New Product DevelopmentA system of customer co-creation for new product development of digital products with a pilot study of the Swiss media industry
New teaching methodsSuccess factor focus and attention in study and work - a call for action at institutes of higher education in a more and more digitalized world
New WorkSuccess factor focus and attention in study and work - a call for action at institutes of higher education in a more and more digitalized world
parentsManaging the work-life balance when working from home: the experience of Flemish parents
PhishingA Cyber Attack Simulation for Teaching Cybersecurity
Policy and RegulationSociety 5.0-Inspired Digitalization Framework for Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture
public complaintRevitalizing Public Trust through Efficient Complaint Management: A Comprehensive Study on the Impact and Effectiveness of Public Complaint Management System of Malaysia
Public Service DeliveryRevitalizing Public Trust through Efficient Complaint Management: A Comprehensive Study on the Impact and Effectiveness of Public Complaint Management System of Malaysia
Public Transportation wit E-VehiclesA First Step Towards a “Smart City Brain” for Sustainable Development - Turning Experiences of Two Cities into Replicable Processes
ReliabilitySociety 5.0-Inspired Digitalization Framework for Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture
SA Retail BanksSystemic risk enacted by emotionally driven client behaviour on South African mobile banking systems: A structured literature review through the theoretical lens of interpersonal behaviour
ScalabilitySociety 5.0-Inspired Digitalization Framework for Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture
serious gamePlayWithUnicam: An extensible platform for serious games
A Cyber Attack Simulation for Teaching Cybersecurity
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)Disruptive innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises: a key factors checklist
small businessesPersona-oriented Data Protection Impact Assessment for Small Businesses
Smart City BrainA First Step Towards a “Smart City Brain” for Sustainable Development - Turning Experiences of Two Cities into Replicable Processes
Society 5.0Selecting a Knowledge Management Methodology in Society 5.0
Society 5.0 EducationGame-based learning - Teaching Artificial Intelligence to play Minecraft: a systematic literature review
SociotechnicalExploring the social and technical factors in organisational AI adoption: A systematic literature review
South AfricaExamining the Barriers and Enablers of AI Adoption in a Multimedia Organization
sustainable developmentA First Step Towards a “Smart City Brain” for Sustainable Development - Turning Experiences of Two Cities into Replicable Processes
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)Society 5.0-Inspired Digitalization Framework for Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture
Systematic Literature ReviewSystemic risk enacted by emotionally driven client behaviour on South African mobile banking systems: A structured literature review through the theoretical lens of interpersonal behaviour
Exploring the social and technical factors in organisational AI adoption: A systematic literature review
A Systematic Literature Review on Cybersecurity Threats to Healthcare Data and Mitigation Strategies
systemic riskSystemic risk enacted by emotionally driven client behaviour on South African mobile banking systems: A structured literature review through the theoretical lens of interpersonal behaviour
T-O-E frameworkDisruptive innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises: a key factors checklist
teamLeading in Society5.0, The 5Co Leadership Concept
Training AI agentGame-based learning - Teaching Artificial Intelligence to play Minecraft: a systematic literature review
user-centered designA system of customer co-creation for new product development of digital products with a pilot study of the Swiss media industry
user-friendlySociety 5.0-Inspired Digitalization Framework for Resilient and Sustainable Agriculture
workLeading in Society5.0, The 5Co Leadership Concept
work-life balanceManaging the work-life balance when working from home: the experience of Flemish parents
working from home (WFH)Managing the work-life balance when working from home: the experience of Flemish parents