ISAS 2022: Editor's Preface

This volume contains the papers presented at ISAS 2022: International Symposium on Applied Science 2022 held on October 14-16, 2022, at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology - VNUHCM, Viet Nam. There were 117 submissions. Each submission was reviewed by at least two reviewers and edited by program committee members. The committee decided to accept 19 papers.

The International Symposium on Applied Science (ISAS), formerly International Symposium on Engineering Physics and Mechanics (ISEPM), has been held every two years since 2011. It aims to bring together researchers from different countries and promote collaborative research with the creation and exchange of ideas related to the applied science field.

The symposium program focuses on both fundamental and applied research in areas related to the applied science field. ISAS 2022 will cover aspects in the engineering physics and engineering mechanics field and applied mathematics, computational physics, and innovative technologies. The symposium will strive hard to create a platform of collaborations and meetings where all scientists, academicians, lab experts, industry people, and young researchers will meet at one place to share and gain knowledge through panel discussions, technical and scientific sessions, workshops, and poster presentations.

Along with sharing and gaining knowledge, the symposium provides space for interactions where everyone will be free to interact and help make new international collaborations. The symposium will also provide the best opportunity for delegates and people from the industry to make new contacts where they can develop their products. On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we warmly welcome all participants to join us and make the symposium successful. Please peruse this book for useful information.

We are looking forward to developing with your in-depth collaborations.

The full-text accepted articles will publish in Part II after the peer-review process on VNUHCM JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY with ISSN: 2615-9872.

Trung Nghia Tran
Tich Thien Truong
Quoc Khai Le
Thanh Nha Nguyen
Hoang Nhut Huynh
June 17, 2023
Ho Chi Minh