ICICIS 2019: Papers with Abstracts

Abstract. Emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) have begun to play an ever- more important role in business innovation. The purpose of this paper is to review current literature to identify definitions and concepts related to artificial intelligence affordances and how artificial intelligence affords business innovation. Using a systematic six-step literature review methodology conducted with an iterative disposition, seven major affordances of AI for business innovation were identified, i.e. (i) Automate business processes, (ii) Customise end user interaction, (iii) Proactively anticipate and react to changes, (iv) Augment and upskill the workforce, (v) Assist decision making, (vi) Improve risk management, and (vii) Develop and enhance intellectual property. The literature surveyed furthermore shows that there are several gaps which allow for further research. Firstly, the definition of artificial intelligence is inconsistent and there is no widely accepted definition. Several AI-based technologies and applications being developed (e.g. Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Natural Language Processing and Neural Networks) require a clear understanding of the affordances of such technologies to be able to make informed strategic decisions. Therefore, understanding the affordances of artificial intelligence in general plays an important role in making such decisions.
Abstract. Health systems in South African comprises of both the private sector and the public sector, run by the government. Majority of the population access health services through public clinics and hospitals. Public health sectors are understaffed, with inadequate resources, especially in rural areas. Information and communication technology and its applications can be seen as a way forward to counteract some of the challenges faced in public health sectors. Telemedicine can be tool to assist in bridging the gaps in this regard. Telemedicine is health-care delivery concept that enables distant to be examined by medical practitioners using telecommunications technologies. Therefore, this research study aimed to investigate factors that influences users’ readiness to accept telemedicine in South African public health sectors environment. To achieve this objective, this study followed a positivism paradigm, supported by the quantitative research approach. Organization and Environment (in TOE framework) constructs, technology compatibility (in model of information technology implementation), perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use (in Technology Acceptance Model, (TAM))guided the development of hypotheses and their testing for this study. The findings reveal that technology, environment, organization, information quality, and security are factors that inform pre-implementation of telemedicine in South African public health sector.
Abstract. Data Security is a major concern for both individuals and organisations that are engaged in one form of communication or the other, especially in the cyberspace as a result of the emergence of digital computing and communication. In this paper, we present a novel three-layered text encryption and decryption scheme that is capable of encrypting and decrypting any character or symbol using Genetic Algorithm (GA) and some inherent properties from the Residue Number System (RNS). Simulated results of the proposed scheme shows that it is chaotic by sense of sight, robust with a very wide key space composed at different stages of the scheme and has a good throughput rate as well as being able to encrypt both smaller and larger messages.
Abstract. Existing literature perceived Economic, Social and Environmental (ESE) factors as three key drivers of Sustainable Manufacturing Practice (SMP). ICT is not considered as a driving factor, but only as a tool that supports the achievement of SMP. The aim of this study is to investigate the role of ICT in achieving SMP in South Africa. A systematic literature review was conducted. The Google Scholar search engine was used to retrieve 1,352 articles that were analysed in this study. Themes and constructs were analysed based on the scope of the study. The findings revealed that South African manufacturing stakeholders are leveraging the advancement of ICT such as Artificial Intelligence and smart production systems to drive SMP through reduced waste and optimisation of resources. Also, the findings revealed that ICT plays a significant role that warrant its consideration as a fourth factor that drives SMP. This study emphasised the role of ICT as a driver in achieving SMP and presents the ESET model (ESE with the addition of Technology) to support the argument that ICT is a major driving factor for SMP. Understanding the role of ICT can influence how the issues of SMP are addressed and stakeholders can rethink strategies for SMP. Further empirical studies with a broader scope are encouraged because the review process and the scope of this study limits its generalisability
Abstract. The adoption of cloud computing among SMEs in developing countries, particularly South Africa, is still very low. The purpose of this study is to develop a conceptual model to assess the critical factors that influences South African SMEs to adopt cloud services. This paper proposes an integrated conceptual model that incorporates critical factors from the diffusion of innovation (DOI) theory, institutional theory, transaction cost theory, organisation theory, information security theory, and trust theories. Cloud computing adoption research dominated by the DOI perspective, can benefit from further cross- fertilization with different theories to explain and predict patterns of cloud services use in the SME context. This model is expected to offer deeper insights and practical value to SME decision makers, cloud service providers, regulatory agencies and government responsible for establishing cloud computing adoption strategies for SMEs in South Africa. We intend to apply this model to survey research in future studies.
Abstract. This research investigates how the business strategy factors for South African organizations either support or impede moving business capabilities to a Cloud Computing (CC) environment. In particular, the research considers larger organizations within the investment services industry. By performing a qualitative study the research investigates the various business and Information Technology (IT) strategies. The various CC options are then explored to draw a correlation between the business strategy factors and CC. It concludes that cloud computing offers no competitive differentiation for South African investment services organisations. For these organisations, their existing business models remains profitable. Business strategy, therefore, has no compelling reason to consider cloud computing. South African investment services organizations align with their business strategies through the service-level method, which cause the IT departments to focus on stability and reliability.
Abstract. The objective of this paper is to conduct a conceptual assessment of blockchain technology applications to universities. The paper will first address two related questions namely, the concept of smart university, and the architecture of blockchain technology. This paper contributes towards the topical debate of whether the claimed blockchain technological transformation is a hype, reality, revolution, or just an ordinary computing upgrade. It follows that if blockchain is a significant technological advancement then it can only be ignored at own’s peril. This research should benefit innovation policy decisions in the academia for out-of-the box thinking regarding internal control systems and product offering for smart universities.
Abstract. The rapid pace of technological developments of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) increasingly leads to the need for cyber skills amongst the organizational workforce. However, some countries are lagging in the necessary skills required, so organizations need to access a diverse pool of employees for recruitment purposes. The establishment of culturally diverse workforces requires a more mindful approach to how they are managed in order to foster a cyber security culture in the workplace. Typically, culturally diverse workforces cause more cyber security breaches, threats, and incidents, because of inherent trust issues amongst culturally diverse employees. A literature review was conducted to identity relevant critical success factors to foster a cyber security culture for a culturally diverse workforce. The researchers identified n=668 articles from Google Scholar using three key phrases. These articles were then filtered for a ten-year range (2009-2019), which returned n=117. A review of the key phrases in these articles identified n=20 relevant articles. From these eight critical success factors were identified, which are discussed in brief and related to the Theory of Planned Behavior and Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory. Suggestions of action items for each critical success factor are provided.
Abstract. Agriculture is central to the economy of the world, with sixty percent of the population depending on it for survival. Farmers are adopting smart farming technics to make agricultural practices more efficient. Smart farming takes advantage of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies for performing tasks such as moisture sensing, weeding, keeping vigilance, spraying, bird and animal scaring, smart irrigation controls, the use of real time field data for intelligent decision making and smart warehouse management which includes theft detection and temperature and humidity maintenance of the warehouse. Smart devices such as watches, computers or cellphones connected to the internet can then be used to control the smart farming system. Smart farming being at nascent stage, its privacy and security needs to be researched and explored as its future partially dependent on the resolution of the privacy and security issues associated. This paper comprehensively reviews various security and privacy issues and challenges associated with IoT deployments in smart farming. Following a structured approach, a framework for smart farming security and privacy was developed in an attempt to address challenges experienced/expected. This framework can also be used for future directions for any IoT related privacy and security initiatives.
Abstract. The healthcare system in the Democratic Republic of Congo is hampered by many challenges. Some of the challenges are due to the lack of effective mechanisms to disseminate public healthcare interventions widely. Social media, on the other hand, has proved to be effective in reaching a wide audience with specifically tailored messages. In the context of healthcare, social media enables healthcare professionals to get feedback from patients on specific health issues. Such feedback enables public healthcare stakeholders to devise adequate strategies to address specific healthcare issues. In addition, social media has been often hailed for rallying various stakeholders on a specific issue. Thus, social media has often been cited as one of the media to increase accountability and transparency in the public sector. This paper depicts the role that social media could play in public healthcare in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It portrays that social media could be used as a platform to inform the public about the national health agenda, current public health interventions at the provincial and peripheral levels and to collect feedback from citizens on the quality of healthcare. Such feedback could then be used to conduct research on how to improve current healthcare interventions.
Abstract. The market for wearable devices that is used for health monitoring has steadily increased over the past few years. South Africa has also seen an increase in the adoption of these wearable device. This is partly because these devices allow users to monitor their health and wellbeing in real time. However, to be efficient, the devices must collect a large amount of data. Some of the data that is collected include personally identifiable and health information which could be considered sensitive to the user. This study investigated if the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) provides adequate protection to South African users of wearable health devices. The POPIA and the privacy policy of the 2 most popular wearable health devices in South Africa, the Apple watch and Fit- bit, were qualitatively compared making use of Hutton et al’s (2018) heuristic framework. The study found that POPIA protected the users’ privacy when it came to notice, users’ awareness, choice and consent, access and participation. The Act did not cover any privacy matters related to social disclosure of information by users. The study also found that Apple watch and Fitbit did well in protecting users’ privacy with regards to notice and awareness as well as access and participation. The two wearables performed poorest in regards to choice and consent as well as social disclosure controls to protect users’ privacy. The study recommend that users educate themselves in regard to how their data collected by wearable health devices are collected and protected.
Abstract. As learning technologies advance and become more ubiquitous, particularly in e- learning, new opportunities are emerging for higher education institutions to address significant academic and administrative challenges. Driven by increasing competition, changing environments and other market forces, institutions are considering learning technologies in order to thrive and remain relevant. This study gathered insights from existing literature to propose a conceptual model that supports decision making in the adoption of learning technologies by higher education institutions. The conceptual model adopts the Transformative Framework for Learning Innovation as its foundation and superimposes the Emerging Learning Technologies Model. The resulting model provides a clear guidance for higher education institution to achieve five key learning characteristics. This paper found that combining these two approaches provides a logical approach for higher education institutions to address organisational, strategic and learning-specific dimensions in a coherent format. Furthermore, academics and practitioners can benefit from valuable insights in the proposed alternative approach to learning technology adoption.
Abstract. electronic – Human Resource Management (e-HRM) provides the Human Resources (HR) function with the opportunity to automate certain HR process to improve HR efficiency and influence HR strategy. Automation might lead to staff disjointed due to the fact that most of the work they do will now be automated and they will not have work to do. Staff might not adopt the automated way of working. Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) as a widely accepted model of individual behavior can be used to study reasons why individuals adopt certain behaviors, in this instance, it can be used to determine why staff do not want to adopt an automated way of working which is to use eHRM system. This paper will discuss some of post-adoption behaviors that staff can have. South African Municipalities that are intending to adopt e-HRM will be able to know the things that they can focus on for a successful post-adoption of e-HRM. e-HRM topic is certainly not becoming outdated, and its full potential is still expected and therefore more studies in this topic will grow. This paper is intended to contribute to the South African literature pertaining to this subject. Based on a review of the extant literature on E-HRM, HR roles, and SCT, a theory model is presented and propositions outlined for future empirical testing.
Abstract. In this research, an information privacy culture is proposed to be embedded in three basic concepts: students’ privacy expectations, privacy awareness and confidence in universities’ capability to uphold information privacy. The aim of this research was to address the lack of an information privacy culture framework in the context of universities in Zimbabwe, the upsurge of privacy breaches in these institutions and the need to assist them in processing the information in line with regulatory requirements. The main objective of this study was therefore to ascertain the key components of a student personal information privacy culture (SPIPC) conceptual framework for universities in Zimbabwe. A scoping review was conducted and a SPIPC conceptual framework is proposed.
Abstract. Social Sector department is expected to transform socio economic stands of the poor through technology by digitising service delivery processes in order to enhance decision making, however this has created lot of silo systems with large volumes of data to be manipulated and used. Business Intelligence is seen as supporting technology required to deal with the problem but the sector does not have a model or a framework to adopt the technology. Hence this study intended to develop a model for adoption of Business Intelligence in the South African public social sector Department. Two theoretical frameworks that is Implementation Effectiveness Theoretical Model and Technology Organisation Environment were employed to guide the study by following quantitative method. A survey was used to collect data at government department by means of closed-ended questionnaires, through simple random sampling to produce the results. To measure the relationship between dependent and independent variables data was coded into Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) tool for correlations analysis, then conducted regression analysis for constructs contributions. The results show that only three out of the six identified constructs from the research model were accepted to formulate the adoption model. Most previous work done in adoption of BI in public sector has focussed on broader public domain which creates a huge gap in addressing specific requirements or factors influencing adoption of BI in a particular sector. To reduce vagueness and complexity this study investigated factors influencing adoption of BI in South African public social sector Department
Abstract. The internet has become a crucial part of our everyday lives so it is important to ensure that one is secure when surfing on it since personal information can be exchanged. Cyber security awareness is the key to internet security. The research discussed in this paper aims to develop an ontology model for cyber security awareness for educational purposes, to enable users to take responsibility for their own safety online. It aims to fill a gap in understanding of the cyber security awareness (CSA) education and to bridge the consensus gap between the Body of Knowledge (BoK) contributors. The research study was conducted using CURONTO (which is a curriculum ontology) model, to develop our CSA education ontology model that we propose. There are many attempts being made to allow for CSA education, but there remains a challenge of lack of consensus or common understanding of the CSA body of knowledge. There is need for a common model and format aimed at bringing together and putting in place, measures to address cybersecurity attacks. This will assist organizations and countries to close the gap and difference in the available CSA information globally, and to especially assist countries and organizations that are still developing cybersecurity protection measures, to have the information that they need readily available (Takahashi, Kadobayashi, 2011). We used an ontology because it will also be available to the academic community also to refine, extend or apply to other domains and also an ontology is both sharable and interoperable. In this paper we used the CURONTO model to develop our CSA ontology model for educational purposes, we expanded the one class of the model called syllabus and we added more classes so that it can serve for the CSA education. Then we did a literature study to develop a CSA syllabus from, the acquired syllabus was then represented in the model.
Abstract. The technology devices introduced in recent years are not only vulnerable to Internet risks but are also unable to elevate the growth of B2C e-commerce. These concerns are particularly relevant today, as the world transitions into the Fourth Industrial Revolution. To date, existing research has largely focused on obstacles to customer loyalty. Studies have tested e-commerce models guided by the establishment of trusting, satisfied and loyal consumers in various international contexts. In South Africa, however, as an emerging market, there has been limited research on the success factors of online shopping.
This study examines the influence of security and privacy on trust, seen as a moderator of customer satisfaction, which in turn, has an effect on loyalty towards websites. Based on an exhaustive review of literature, a conceptual model is proposed on the relationships between security and privacy on the one hand, and customer trust, satisfaction and loyalty on the other. A total of 250 structured, self-administered questionnaires was distributed to a purposively selected sample of respondents using face-to-face surveys in Johannesburg, South Africa. A multivariate data analysis technique was used to draw inferences from the data. With an 80.1% response rate, the findings showed that privacy and security do influence customer trust; security strongly influences customer trust and weakly influences satisfaction. In South Africa, customer loyalty towards websites is strongly determined by satisfaction and weakly determined by trust. Trust significantly moderates the effect of customer satisfaction on loyalty. The study implications and limitations are presented and future research directions are suggested.
Abstract. This study examines the role of higher education institutions (HEIs) in addressing cybersecurity challenges, in the wake of a prominent shortage of skills, specifically those related to information and cybersecurity professionals. Using qualitative semi structured interviews, the study sought to identify the factors influencing the offering of an information and cybersecurity curriculum at HEIs. The findings show that internal influencing factors were top management and individual academic’s awareness of information and cybersecurity, internal expertise, offering the program only at postgraduate level, and the workload and bureaucracy associated with having the program. External factors perceived to influence information and cybersecurity curriculum at HEIs include pressure from industry and stakeholders as well as institutional bodies that help shape curriculum development.
Abstract. The evolution of the supply chain has resulted in a growth in the usage of technology and data generated and distributed within the industry. Third-party logistics (3PL) companies operating within the supply chain industry are not maximising the capabilities of data to make well- informed decisions. The purpose of this paper is to address this gap and to develop a prescriptive, theoretical model for data-driven decision-making (DDDM). To address the gap, a literature review of DDDM in 3PL industry and in other contexts was conducted. The proposed model is built based on the consideration of existing DDDM models and frameworks; data and data analytics principles to collect, store, manage and analyse data; and the Cynefin framework. Existing models and frameworks for DDDM do not provide explicit guidelines on how to apply DDDM in a 3PL and supply chain context. The proposed DDDM model constitutes of three phases, namely: (1) the setup phase, that considers data knowledge and decision-making knowledge; (2) execution phase; and (3) the learning phase. The application of the model in 3PL companies can support the decision- making process in these companies, with a consideration of the challenges and opportunities that exist in the supply chain. The decision-makers in 3PLs can thus make better-informed decisions that positively impact their enterprises and the supply chain.
Abstract. For many classification tasks, data is collected over an extended period of time and the predictive model learns over time, adapting to changes in the underlying distribution of the data if necessary. To optimize generalization performance, margin distribution is considered to be an important factor. A major concern posed by nonstationary learning for any algorithm is the rate of adaptation to new concepts and the volume of the data. Tackling the problem of learning in nonstationary environments associated with drifting concepts with ensembles of classifiers makes the concept of diversity to be of paramount significance in optimizing the rate of adaptation to new concepts for classification tasks. In this paper, we investigate the impact of ensemble diversity on the rate of adaptation to new concepts in nonstationary learning. The rate of adaptation is analyzed by exploiting the correspondence that exists between voting margins and the double fault measure, a popular diversity measure strongly linked to the margin. We utilize the Adaptive Classifier Ensemble Boost algorithm (AceBoost) to generate diverse base classifiers and optimize margin distribution to exploit different amounts of diversity to generate an optimal ensemble capable of handling different kinds of drift. The experimental results confirm that AceBoost outperforms other state of the art algorithms that exploit ensemble diversity to handle concept drift.
Abstract. The market for wearable devices that can be used for sustained health monitoring purposes is continuously growing within the healthcare sec- tor. However, to function effectively, these devices must collect a large amount of data from the users. There are privacy concerns that may inhibit the behavioural intention of overweight adult to use wearable de- vices for health monitoring in the long term. This study examined the privacy factors influencing the behavioural intention of overweight adult to make use of wearable devices of sustained health monitoring. The study made use of a qualitative research approach with an inter- view design. A purposive sampling technique was used to select and interview twenty overweight adults (aged 18-59 years) who are using wearable devices in East London, South Africa. The Expectation Confirmation Model (ECM) framework was adopted as the underlying re- search theory in this study. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data provided by participants. The results found that there were 4 levels of privacy concerns among users. Some users were very concerned that their data was collected by the device manufacturing, while others had not concern at all. Some users had privacy concerns, but did not think that the data collected would be useful to a third party and finally some users did have privacy concerns, but indicated that the benefit of using a wearable device outweighed their concerns and they would continue to use the device. The recommendation of the study is that users must educate themselves about what data is collected and how it will be used by third parties.
Abstract. There has recently been a plethora of guidelines published in Information Systems (IS) journals on how to conduct literature reviews for publication, often referred to as “systematic” literature reviews. The purpose of this paper is to make sense of these guidelines by synthesising them into a coherent whole. The synthesis results in the identification of five major stages for conducting literature reviews for publication, i.e. (1) Define the protocol, (2) Search the literature, (3) Select the papers, (4) Analyse, synthesise and interpret the data, (5) Write the review. The synthesis reveals that there are different types of literature review, but that the five broad stages are generally valid for all types. Differences in conducting literature review across type arise at a lower level of detail, when considering the specific activities to be performed at each stage. The greatest variation between types occurs at Stage 4, when analysing, synthesising and interpreting data.
Abstract. E-health resources are widely used in the healthcare field, by health professionals, patients and the general public. However, to utilise e-health resources an individual needs to possess the basic e-health literacy skills that will enable them to process health information effectively. E-health literacy consists of six basic literacy skills namely tradi- tional and numeracy skills, computer, media, science, in-formation and health literacy skills that individuals need to possess in order to use e-health resources effectively. The concept of e-health literacy is a growing field of research worldwide but has lacked investigation in South Africa. This paper investigated the level of e-health literacy skills of South Africans. The study made use of a qualitative, inductive research approach and a structured literature review to identify the relevant academic studies that have been done in South Africa. Eleven studies were included in the final analysis. The study found that only parts of the e-health literacy skills have been investigated in South Africa, and it was concluded that South Africans have limited skills that enable them to seek health information independently. The study recommends that the lev-el of e-health literacy among South African be improved through education and awareness campaigns that highlight the importance of taking control of owns health in order to improve the health of all South Africans.
Abstract. The internet is not a secure place because of limited regulations. The unawareness of users about threats that can face them in cyberspace, can cause the successful execution of such threats. Users should establish a culture of awareness before entering the workforce. Therefore, academic institutions should engage in the process to enhance cyber security awareness (CSA) among students. In order to communicate effectively on CSA, the medium of communication should be familiar to the user and the user has to engage with this medium on a regular basis.
Students at a higher academic institution reveal that they engage with social media platforms at least once a week with Facebook and YouTube the most popular. They also use communication media like websites to pursue material about CSA.
This study found that there is a lack among students to engage with CSA initiatives that are available. It is suggested that academic institutions can contribute to the awareness of students by providing CSA material on a regular basis to them. Institutions can make use of social media platforms (Facebook and YouTube) and also communication mediums (institutional website and e-mails) to communicate CSA material with the students.
Abstract. This paper reports on a study on the examination timetabling problem faced in universities, focusing on the problem as it exists at the University of Botswana (UB). Examination timetabling is well researched and many different algorithms have been used in an attempt to produce timetable solutions that meet various objectives of institutions as well as theoretical objectives. Our research tries to produce an optimal examination timetable, which takes into consideration constraints imposed by users of timetables in UB as well as best-practice constraints found in the literature. Most African universities have financial constraints that make cost-effective solutions that take advantage of readily available research results and frameworks critical to their survival and strategic goals. In our paper, we analyse the cost implications of in-house development of an examination scheduling system solution that will produce improved schedules and reduce costs. We take into account the cost of software tools and frameworks we have employed as well as the cost of getting data and actual software engineering of a timetabling solution. Our results suggest that the benefits of this approach are great, since the cost is low while the quality of resulting timetables is good.
Abstract. An Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) is software that dynamically modifies the presentation of educational material to students based on Artificial Intelligence. ITSs enable tutoring to be done by computers; teaching is customized for the student using the system, enabling faster learning; and there is a potential to enable scaling up, teaching of millions of students, using online platforms or platform independent programs which is not possible in the case of human tutoring. In this paper we focus on the cost implications of an ITS designed for teaching Discrete Mathematics at the undergraduate level at the University Of Botswana. The ITS discussed, DS-ITS, makes use of probabilistic graphical networks to relate core concepts of Discrete Mathematics concepts with verifiable outcomes (demonstrable knowledge). A student's understanding of a concept is inferred; it can be viewed as the cause of failing to answer a question correctly. Our contribution is in estimating the cost required to build a prototype, which can be used for certain Discrete Mathematics topics as taught at the undergraduate level. We compare the cost implications with the alternative of not having such a tool and instead relying purely on lecturers and teaching assistants. Our findings show the benefit of developing such a tool.
Abstract. There is the new promise of Cloud Integration (CI) for outsourcing Electronic Health (eHealth) data, computation and processes that provide real-time data exchange of various application systems and repositories. CI technology combines eHealth data in cloud environments, which are operated by multiple devices over the network and Internet. In addition, many Healthcare Organisations (HCOs) are migrating their systems to a cloud platform to reduce their business cost. Although CI provides attractive and cost-effective opportunities, it is essential to remember that Cloud Computing (CC) paradigms are still under development and not mature. One of the main challenges in CI is that all data management, security, availability, maintenance and domain control is done via a third-party service provider. Therefore, HCOs have no control over these matters. Trust of a third-party service provider is one of the essential factors for CI and this adds a new dimension to the opportunity. As a result of the scalability of applications and the lower costs, CI is viewed as the preferred infrastructure for most eHealth systems, but without comprising the privacy of data. In this paper, we present a novel CI approach using the Hybrid Integration Method (HIM) combined with the promising features of Fuzzy-Ontology. The aim is to strengthen the management of eHealth business and IT environments. The key outcome of this paper is to present a new technique to merge data and to identify conflicting data entries. A series of experiments were performed to prove that the proposed HIM is effective and accurate for eHealth data integration.
Abstract. The study delineates the understanding of big data as an emergent phenomenon that has brought a notable shift in the relationship between technology and business decision- making. Using grounded theory techniques, the study espouses opportunities and alternative perceptions from small businesses regarding the value that big data may offer in contrast to usage experience by big businesses. Information security lies at the heart of these consideration. The study draws on concepts and tenets from the discipline of information security to support a theoretical underpinning for big data usage in small businesses. A substantive theory has been developed from this work with three distinct concepts emerging that show that financial consideration, management mindset and size consideration play a big part in influencing small business perceptions.
Abstract. Cloud based information systems such as Office 365 SharePoint Online, could be subject to serious content security risks, because of the lack of awareness of end-users when sharing content in an online environment. Information security awareness campaigns governing the “people problem” of properly securing information systems, are used in aid of organisational efforts towards creating awareness with end-users. Although many research studies determined what should be included in awareness campaigns, they do not always clarify which steps to take to achieve the different elements. The current study contributes its findings to this area of research, by interviewing ten industry experts to determine what practical steps could be taken to achieve the different elements of an awareness campaign aimed at creating awareness among Office 365 Share-Point online end-users. A theoretical model, derived from literature, was presented to experts. Experts were purposively selected because of their knowledge of, and responsibility for, conducting awareness campaigns within their respective organisations. Their recommendations, via interviews, were applied to the theoretical model to include practical steps for achieving the main elements of: addressing user behaviour; including awareness activities and competitions; using multiple communication channels; promoting an information security culture and individual responsibility; having champions for awareness and measuring the effectiveness of awareness campaigns. Future studies could expand this model, both the main elements of awareness campaigns, and the practical steps taken to achieve the main elements.
Abstract. There is an observed popularity in the use of social networking sites. The popularity of social networking sites appears to occupy a multi-layered utility depending on the needs of the end user. Calls exist within the literature for studies that explore understanding of determinants that influence attitudes towards advertising on social networks. The importance of this is that such factors influencing attitudes towards advertising on social networks can be useful pre-cursors to the formation of actual intentions. The objective of this study was to determine the role of habit, perceived ease of use and social media capital affinity on attitudes towards social network advertising amongst students at rural campus. A sample of 289 registered students were used as a sample for this study utilising a positivist research philosophy and a survey design approach. The findings of the research saliently show a positive relationship to exist a) perceived ease of use and habit; b) social capital affinity and attitudes towards social networking advertising. Based on the findings of the research some implications are made concerning possible responses from the youth market and attitudes towards social media advertising.
Abstract. Banking transactions carried out in the uncertain conditions of mobile commerce involve high
levels of perceived risk and require substantial levels of trust. Therefore, gaining customer trust and reducing the influence of risk is imperative to developing and nurturing long-lasting and strong relationship between customers and retail banks. However, limited research is currently investigating the effects of overall perceived risk and trust on retail banking customers use of mobile commerce, particularly from the perspective of emerging African economies. This study investigates the effects of perceived risk and institution-based trust on the use of mobile banking apps among South African retail bank customers. The model was tested using responses obtained from 352 users of the mobile banking services of the five major retail banks (ABSA, Capitec, FNB, Nedbank, and Standard Bank) in South Africa. The findings of this study suggest that institution- based trust has a significant positive influence on use behaviour of mobile banking apps. Furthermore, perceived risk has a significant negative influence on use behaviour; and, lastly, institution-based trust is found to have a significant negative influence on perceived risk.
Abstract. This research investigates how the business strategy factors for South African organizations either support or impede moving business capabilities to a Cloud Computing (CC) environment. In particular, the research considers larger organizations within the investment services industry. By performing a qualitative study the research investigates the various business and Information Technology (IT) strategies. The various CC options are then explored to draw a correlation between the business strategy factors and CC. It concludes that cloud computing offers no competitive differentiation for South African investment services organisations. For these organisations, their existing business models remains profitable. Business strategy, therefore, has no compelling reason to consider cloud computing. South African investment services organizations align with their business strategies through the service-level method, which cause the IT departments to focus on stability and reliability.
Abstract. Cloud computing is internet-based computing in which users can share information technology resources in a secure and efficient system [1]. South African organisations by adopting and using technology such as cloud computing can leverage on its ability to offer a flexible resource that is scalable to the needs of an organization, which are accessible from anywhere at any time. The main goal of this study was to conceptualise a strategic cloud computing framework in the context of South African information technology professions. This study used stakeholder theory, contingency theory, and technology-organization-environment theory as research lenses. The study used interpretivism research philosophy. The primary data was collected using semi-structured interviews from 21 individual IT professionals. The key findings are that IT professionals recognized the importance and benefits of cloud computing. In addition, stakeholders have an influence on cloud computing use and adoption. The IT strategy needs to be aligned with the business strategy for cloud computing to be smoothly adopted and use in an organisation. The study concluded that there is a need for a strategic cloud computing framework that would help to strategically adopt and use cloud computing in a uniformed and coordinated manner in South African organisations.
Abstract. This research investigates the attitude of Belgian companies to outsource microwork to Africa. Microwork has the potential of alleviating high youth unemployment in Africa and simultaneously improving African digital economies. The purpose of this research is to find out whether overseas companies are already making use of micro job outsourcing, which platforms are used for this, which jobs are being outsourced and whether there is interest in those companies that still do not use micro work. The research also discusses the barriers that prevent companies to outsource microwork to Africa. 196 companies in Flanders (Belgium) were surveyed using a questionnaire. Five recommendations are presented, based on the perceived barriers and issues, to entice them to start or increase outsourcing micro-work to Africa.