ASC 2020: Keyword Index

abrasionAssessing the Effect of Curing Conditions, Specimen Type, and Superabsorbent Polymers in Compressive Strength and Abrasion of Pervious Concrete
Academic ImpactRelative Trends Associated with the International Journal of Construction Education and Research
Trends Associated with ASC Annual Conference Proceedings from 2004-2019
Accelerated Project DeliveryExploring the Synergy Between Lean Construction and Flash Track Implementation
AccreditationMulti-disciplinary Teams – the Continuing Challenge to Collaborate in the Classroom
active learningActive Learning Techniques in Understanding Risk Associated with Planning
Adoption rateStrategies to Increase Adoption Rate of Lean Construction
AECTopics for Collaborative Research in AEC: Pilot Findings from a Sustainable Perspective
AgenciesiDUC: Solution to Address Common Challenges of State Agency Drone Deployment
ASCRelative Trends Associated with the International Journal of Construction Education and Research
ASC Conference ProceedingsTrends Associated with ASC Annual Conference Proceedings from 2004-2019
AutomationBarriers to Automation and Robotics in Construction
barnsPoint-Cloud Models of Historical Barns – Spatial Discrepancies of Laser Scanning versus Robotic Total Station
BarriersStrategies to Increase Adoption Rate of Lean Construction
best practicesiDUC: Solution to Address Common Challenges of State Agency Drone Deployment
BIMDevelopment of the BIM Body of Knowledge (BOK) Task Definitions and KSAs for Academic Practice
Barriers to Automation and Robotics in Construction
A proposed framework for Construction 4.0 based on a review of literature
BIM EducationDevelopment of the BIM Body of Knowledge (BOK) Task Definitions and KSAs for Academic Practice
BlockchainBlockchain-based Information Sharing: A New Opportunity for Construction Supply Chains
Body of KnowledgeDevelopment of the BIM Body of Knowledge (BOK) Task Definitions and KSAs for Academic Practice
building science educationStudent Learning Assessment from a Virtual Field Trip
C&D wasteUsing the Circular Economy to Manage Construction Waste
carbon dioxideCase Study of In-Cab Pollutants for Nonroad Construction Equipment
carbon monoxideCase Study of In-Cab Pollutants for Nonroad Construction Equipment
careersPilot Study for Understanding a Contributing Factor for a Decrease in Skilled Construction Labor
Cast-In-PlaceA Framework for Life Cycle Assessment and Cost Analysis of Precast and Cast-in-Place Buildings in United States
cdeA proposed framework for Construction 4.0 based on a review of literature
cementitious materialsEvaluating the Feasibility of using Corn Ash and Wood Ash in Concrete in Florida
circular economyUsing the Circular Economy to Manage Construction Waste
Co-locationDesign Practitioner’s Insights Regarding the Use of Co-Location in Design-Build
collaborationRelative Trends Associated with the International Journal of Construction Education and Research
Multi-disciplinary Teams – the Continuing Challenge to Collaborate in the Classroom
communicationAn Investigation into the Significant Causes of Disputes in the Sri Lankan Construction Industry
community engagementDevelopment of a Required Service-Learning Course: Lessons Learned and Stakeholders’ Perceptions
Community ExperienceAn Alternative Delivery Method for Service-Learning Projects in Construction Management
competenciesSoft Skills for Hard Hats; a Development Program for an On-Line, Multi-Lingual, Training Program for Construction Supervisors
compressive strengthAssessing the Effect of Curing Conditions, Specimen Type, and Superabsorbent Polymers in Compressive Strength and Abrasion of Pervious Concrete
constructionBarriers to Automation and Robotics in Construction
An Investigation into the Significant Causes of Disputes in the Sri Lankan Construction Industry
Supervisors’ Reliance on Tacit Knowledge and Impediments to Knowledge Sharing in Trades
Topics for Collaborative Research in AEC: Pilot Findings from a Sustainable Perspective
Construction 4.0A proposed framework for Construction 4.0 based on a review of literature
construction and pipeline riskQuantitative Analysis of the Delay Factors in Oil and Gas Pipeline Projects
Construction EducationAn Alternative Delivery Method for Service-Learning Projects in Construction Management
Demographic Challenges Ahead for Construction Education
The Impact of a Studio-based Model on Construction Students’ Perceptions
Development of a Required Service-Learning Course: Lessons Learned and Stakeholders’ Perceptions
Leveraging Construction Higher Education to Expose a Broader Audience to the Construction Industry in the United States
Construction ExecutivesGraduate Construction Management Education: A Senior-level, Industry-Based Delphi Study
construction forecastConstruction Cost Predication Model Using Macro Economic Indicators
Construction jobsPilot Study for Understanding a Contributing Factor for a Decrease in Skilled Construction Labor
Construction ManagementTeaching Construction Planning and Scheduling: Why, What, When, and How.
Integrating Social Media Platforms in Construction Education to Increase Student Engagement
Exploratory Study of MBAs With Technical Specializations in Construction and Project Management
Construction Management EducationGraduate Construction Management Education: A Senior-level, Industry-Based Delphi Study
construction materialsThe Relationship of Embodied Energy and Cost of Buildings and Building Materials
construction project managementComparison of Construction Scheduling Perspectives from General Contractors and Sub-Contractors: An Analysis of Current Tools and Practices
Construction ResearchRelative Trends Associated with the International Journal of Construction Education and Research
Trends Associated with ASC Annual Conference Proceedings from 2004-2019
Construction RiskDesign and Student Perceptions of a Graduate Course on Managing Risk in Construction
Construction SafetyPsychological Influences on Safety Culture in the Construction Industry: A Pedagogical Framework for Construction Safety Training Application
Immersive VR Modules for Construction Safety Education of Generation Z Students
Deciphering Why 'Cursed Construction Workers' are More Vulnerable to Occupational Accidents
Construction SchedulingComparison of Construction Scheduling Perspectives from General Contractors and Sub-Contractors: An Analysis of Current Tools and Practices
Construction supply chain managementBlockchain-based Information Sharing: A New Opportunity for Construction Supply Chains
Construction Surety Bonding CriterionConstruction Surety Bonding Criteria: The US Perspective
Contractor AwarenessConstruction Surety Bonding Criteria: The US Perspective
costThe Relationship of Embodied Energy and Cost of Buildings and Building Materials
CrackingExpanded Clay Applications in Internal Curing of Concrete
curriculumTeaching Construction Planning and Scheduling: Why, What, When, and How.
Development of a Required Service-Learning Course: Lessons Learned and Stakeholders’ Perceptions
Cyber-Physical SystemsA proposed framework for Construction 4.0 based on a review of literature
Data AnalyticsData-driven Assessment of Market Share Growth Factors of Union Electrical Contractors in the U.S.
delay andQuantitative Analysis of the Delay Factors in Oil and Gas Pipeline Projects
Delphi studyGraduate Construction Management Education: A Senior-level, Industry-Based Delphi Study
demographicsDemographic Challenges Ahead for Construction Education
Design-BuildDesign Practitioner’s Insights Regarding the Use of Co-Location in Design-Build
DesignersDesign Practitioner’s Insights Regarding the Use of Co-Location in Design-Build
Digital EcosystemA proposed framework for Construction 4.0 based on a review of literature
disaster preparednessDisaster Preparedness Education: Construction Curriculum Requirements to Increase Students’ Preparedness in Pre- and Post-Disaster Activities
Disaster Preparedness EducationDisaster Preparedness Education: Construction Curriculum Requirements to Increase Students’ Preparedness in Pre- and Post-Disaster Activities
Disaster Preparedness StrategiesDisaster Preparedness Education: Construction Curriculum Requirements to Increase Students’ Preparedness in Pre- and Post-Disaster Activities
DisastersHow Construction and Capital Resource Availability Drive Regional Post-disaster Housing Reconstruction
discovery learningCase Study: Constructivist Learning Following an Interdisciplinary Studio for an NGO
DisputesAn Investigation into the Significant Causes of Disputes in the Sri Lankan Construction Industry
DroneAccuracy of Drone Image Based Volumetric Surveys
Evaluating the Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) to Perform Low-Slope Roof Inspections
DronesiDUC: Solution to Address Common Challenges of State Agency Drone Deployment
economic indicatorsConstruction Cost Predication Model Using Macro Economic Indicators
EducationInsights into Education System for Sustainable Development: The case of UCEM, UK
Effects of Virtual Reality on Student Learning in Materials and Methods Course
Immersive VR Modules for Construction Safety Education of Generation Z Students
electrical constructionSupervisors’ Reliance on Tacit Knowledge and Impediments to Knowledge Sharing in Trades
Market Share Metrics and Data Analysis of the U.S. Union Electrical Construction Industry
Data-driven Assessment of Market Share Growth Factors of Union Electrical Contractors in the U.S.
Embodied carbonThe Relationship of Embodied Energy and Cost of Buildings and Building Materials
embodied energyThe Relationship of Embodied Energy and Cost of Buildings and Building Materials
EmploymentRanking Student Employment Decision Criteria
energy performanceThe Influence of Immediate Urban Surroundings on Energy Performance of Historical Buildings
EnrollmentDemographic Challenges Ahead for Construction Education
environmental impactsEvaluating the Feasibility of using Corn Ash and Wood Ash in Concrete in Florida
EstimatingConstruction Cost Predication Model Using Macro Economic Indicators
Expanded ClayExpanded Clay Applications in Internal Curing of Concrete
Expanded shalesExpanded Clay Applications in Internal Curing of Concrete
experienceSupervisors’ Reliance on Tacit Knowledge and Impediments to Knowledge Sharing in Trades
experiential learningCase Study: Constructivist Learning Following an Interdisciplinary Studio for an NGO
Soft Skills for Hard Hats; a Development Program for an On-Line, Multi-Lingual, Training Program for Construction Supervisors
experimental designThe Influence of Immediate Urban Surroundings on Energy Performance of Historical Buildings
Fast TrackExploring the Synergy Between Lean Construction and Flash Track Implementation
field curedAssessing the Effect of Curing Conditions, Specimen Type, and Superabsorbent Polymers in Compressive Strength and Abrasion of Pervious Concrete
Field SupervisorSupervisors’ Reliance on Tacit Knowledge and Impediments to Knowledge Sharing in Trades
Flash trackExploring the Synergy Between Lean Construction and Flash Track Implementation
Flipping ClassroomStudent Learning Assessment from a Virtual Field Trip
gamingImmersive VR Modules for Construction Safety Education of Generation Z Students
GISHow Construction and Capital Resource Availability Drive Regional Post-disaster Housing Reconstruction
globalInitial Student Perception of the Benefits of Participation on an International ASC Competition Team
Graduate CurriculumDesign and Student Perceptions of a Graduate Course on Managing Risk in Construction
Hazard RecognitionDeciphering Why 'Cursed Construction Workers' are More Vulnerable to Occupational Accidents
high-impact educational practicesDevelopment of a Required Service-Learning Course: Lessons Learned and Stakeholders’ Perceptions
hiringRanking Student Employment Decision Criteria
historicalPoint-Cloud Models of Historical Barns – Spatial Discrepancies of Laser Scanning versus Robotic Total Station
Historical buildingsThe Influence of Immediate Urban Surroundings on Energy Performance of Historical Buildings
housing industryThe public perception of prefabricated housing in the UK
IJCERRelative Trends Associated with the International Journal of Construction Education and Research
implementationStrategies to Increase Adoption Rate of Lean Construction
Indoor Air QualityCase Study of In-Cab Pollutants for Nonroad Construction Equipment
Industry 4.0A proposed framework for Construction 4.0 based on a review of literature
information sharingBlockchain-based Information Sharing: A New Opportunity for Construction Supply Chains
InnovationBarriers to Automation and Robotics in Construction
InspectionEvaluating the Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) to Perform Low-Slope Roof Inspections
Institution-wide Collaborative ApproachInsights into Education System for Sustainable Development: The case of UCEM, UK
IntegrationBlockchain-based Information Sharing: A New Opportunity for Construction Supply Chains
Internal curingExpanded Clay Applications in Internal Curing of Concrete
international collaborationInitial Student Perception of the Benefits of Participation on an International ASC Competition Team
Internet of ServicesA proposed framework for Construction 4.0 based on a review of literature
Internet of ThingsA proposed framework for Construction 4.0 based on a review of literature
InvestmentA Conceptual Framework for Transportation Infrastructure Resilience Optimization
Keywords:Evaluating the Feasibility of using Corn Ash and Wood Ash in Concrete in Florida
laborPilot Study for Understanding a Contributing Factor for a Decrease in Skilled Construction Labor
labor relationsMarket Share Metrics and Data Analysis of the U.S. Union Electrical Construction Industry
Data-driven Assessment of Market Share Growth Factors of Union Electrical Contractors in the U.S.
LandfillsUsing the Circular Economy to Manage Construction Waste
Lean ConstructionExploring the Synergy Between Lean Construction and Flash Track Implementation
Strategies to Increase Adoption Rate of Lean Construction
Lean PrinciplesExploring the Synergy Between Lean Construction and Flash Track Implementation
Lean toolsExploring the Synergy Between Lean Construction and Flash Track Implementation
learn by doingCase Study: Constructivist Learning Following an Interdisciplinary Studio for an NGO
learning assessmentStudent Learning Assessment from a Virtual Field Trip
LiDARPoint-Cloud Models of Historical Barns – Spatial Discrepancies of Laser Scanning versus Robotic Total Station
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)A Framework for Life Cycle Assessment and Cost Analysis of Precast and Cast-in-Place Buildings in United States
Life Cycle Cost Assessment (LCCA)A Framework for Life Cycle Assessment and Cost Analysis of Precast and Cast-in-Place Buildings in United States
Life Cycle EnergyThe Relationship of Embodied Energy and Cost of Buildings and Building Materials
market strategiesData-driven Assessment of Market Share Growth Factors of Union Electrical Contractors in the U.S.
MATERIALS AND METHODSEffects of Virtual Reality on Student Learning in Materials and Methods Course
MBAExploratory Study of MBAs With Technical Specializations in Construction and Project Management
Monte Carlo simulationQuantitative Analysis of the Delay Factors in Oil and Gas Pipeline Projects
multidisciplinaryMulti-disciplinary Teams – the Continuing Challenge to Collaborate in the Classroom
neural networksConstruction Cost Predication Model Using Macro Economic Indicators
nonroad equipmentCase Study of In-Cab Pollutants for Nonroad Construction Equipment
Oil and gas pipeline projectsQuantitative Analysis of the Delay Factors in Oil and Gas Pipeline Projects
on-lineSoft Skills for Hard Hats; a Development Program for an On-Line, Multi-Lingual, Training Program for Construction Supervisors
OptimizationA Conceptual Framework for Transportation Infrastructure Resilience Optimization
OutreachLeveraging Construction Higher Education to Expose a Broader Audience to the Construction Industry in the United States
particulate matterCase Study of In-Cab Pollutants for Nonroad Construction Equipment
Pedagogical ChangesStudent Learning Assessment from a Virtual Field Trip
pedagogical construction educationPsychological Influences on Safety Culture in the Construction Industry: A Pedagogical Framework for Construction Safety Training Application
perceptionThe public perception of prefabricated housing in the UK
Pervious concreteAssessing the Effect of Curing Conditions, Specimen Type, and Superabsorbent Polymers in Compressive Strength and Abrasion of Pervious Concrete
planningTeaching Construction Planning and Scheduling: Why, What, When, and How.
Active Learning Techniques in Understanding Risk Associated with Planning
porosityAssessing the Effect of Curing Conditions, Specimen Type, and Superabsorbent Polymers in Compressive Strength and Abrasion of Pervious Concrete
PrecastA Framework for Life Cycle Assessment and Cost Analysis of Precast and Cast-in-Place Buildings in United States
PrefabricatedThe public perception of prefabricated housing in the UK
Problem Based LearningCase Study: Constructivist Learning Following an Interdisciplinary Studio for an NGO
professional skillsIntegrating Social Media Platforms in Construction Education to Increase Student Engagement
Project DeliveryDesign Practitioner’s Insights Regarding the Use of Co-Location in Design-Build
project durationQuantitative Analysis of the Delay Factors in Oil and Gas Pipeline Projects
project managementAn Alternative Delivery Method for Service-Learning Projects in Construction Management
Teaching Construction Planning and Scheduling: Why, What, When, and How.
project-based learningThe Impact of a Studio-based Model on Construction Students’ Perceptions
publicThe public perception of prefabricated housing in the UK
quantitative metricsMarket Share Metrics and Data Analysis of the U.S. Union Electrical Construction Industry
RecruitingLeveraging Construction Higher Education to Expose a Broader Audience to the Construction Industry in the United States
research collaborationTopics for Collaborative Research in AEC: Pilot Findings from a Sustainable Perspective
Residential Housing ReconstructionHow Construction and Capital Resource Availability Drive Regional Post-disaster Housing Reconstruction
ResilienceA Conceptual Framework for Transportation Infrastructure Resilience Optimization
Resilience ChallengesDisaster Preparedness Education: Construction Curriculum Requirements to Increase Students’ Preparedness in Pre- and Post-Disaster Activities
RetentionRanking Student Employment Decision Criteria
RiskActive Learning Techniques in Understanding Risk Associated with Planning
risk managementDesign and Student Perceptions of a Graduate Course on Managing Risk in Construction
RoboticsBarriers to Automation and Robotics in Construction
RoofingEvaluating the Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) to Perform Low-Slope Roof Inspections
Safety AttitudeDeciphering Why 'Cursed Construction Workers' are More Vulnerable to Occupational Accidents
safety culturePsychological Influences on Safety Culture in the Construction Industry: A Pedagogical Framework for Construction Safety Training Application
safety educationPsychological Influences on Safety Culture in the Construction Industry: A Pedagogical Framework for Construction Safety Training Application
scenariosSoft Skills for Hard Hats; a Development Program for an On-Line, Multi-Lingual, Training Program for Construction Supervisors
SchedulingTeaching Construction Planning and Scheduling: Why, What, When, and How.
Active Learning Techniques in Understanding Risk Associated with Planning
scheduling toolsComparison of Construction Scheduling Perspectives from General Contractors and Sub-Contractors: An Analysis of Current Tools and Practices
scientometricsTopics for Collaborative Research in AEC: Pilot Findings from a Sustainable Perspective
Senior-level managementGraduate Construction Management Education: A Senior-level, Industry-Based Delphi Study
service learningAn Alternative Delivery Method for Service-Learning Projects in Construction Management
Development of a Required Service-Learning Course: Lessons Learned and Stakeholders’ Perceptions
shrinkageExpanded Clay Applications in Internal Curing of Concrete
simulationsSoft Skills for Hard Hats; a Development Program for an On-Line, Multi-Lingual, Training Program for Construction Supervisors
social atmospherePsychological Influences on Safety Culture in the Construction Industry: A Pedagogical Framework for Construction Safety Training Application
social mediaIntegrating Social Media Platforms in Construction Education to Increase Student Engagement
soft skillsSoft Skills for Hard Hats; a Development Program for an On-Line, Multi-Lingual, Training Program for Construction Supervisors
speed-drivenExploring the Synergy Between Lean Construction and Flash Track Implementation
Spiral LearningCase Study: Constructivist Learning Following an Interdisciplinary Studio for an NGO
steel structuresStudent Learning Assessment from a Virtual Field Trip
stockpileAccuracy of Drone Image Based Volumetric Surveys
strategiesStrategies to Increase Adoption Rate of Lean Construction
student competitionInitial Student Perception of the Benefits of Participation on an International ASC Competition Team
student developmentAn Alternative Delivery Method for Service-Learning Projects in Construction Management
student engagementIntegrating Social Media Platforms in Construction Education to Increase Student Engagement
student experiencesInitial Student Perception of the Benefits of Participation on an International ASC Competition Team
student learningDevelopment of a Required Service-Learning Course: Lessons Learned and Stakeholders’ Perceptions
student learning outcomesMulti-disciplinary Teams – the Continuing Challenge to Collaborate in the Classroom
student perceptionThe Impact of a Studio-based Model on Construction Students’ Perceptions
student recruitmentDemographic Challenges Ahead for Construction Education
student surveyRanking Student Employment Decision Criteria
Student VulnerabilityDisaster Preparedness Education: Construction Curriculum Requirements to Increase Students’ Preparedness in Pre- and Post-Disaster Activities
Studio-based ModelThe Impact of a Studio-based Model on Construction Students’ Perceptions
study abroadInitial Student Perception of the Benefits of Participation on an International ASC Competition Team
Super absorbent polymersAssessing the Effect of Curing Conditions, Specimen Type, and Superabsorbent Polymers in Compressive Strength and Abrasion of Pervious Concrete
Superstitious beliefsDeciphering Why 'Cursed Construction Workers' are More Vulnerable to Occupational Accidents
Surety CreditConstruction Surety Bonding Criteria: The US Perspective
surveyAccuracy of Drone Image Based Volumetric Surveys
SurveyingPoint-Cloud Models of Historical Barns – Spatial Discrepancies of Laser Scanning versus Robotic Total Station
SustainabilityA Framework for Life Cycle Assessment and Cost Analysis of Precast and Cast-in-Place Buildings in United States
The public perception of prefabricated housing in the UK
Topics for Collaborative Research in AEC: Pilot Findings from a Sustainable Perspective
Sustainable Development GoalsInsights into Education System for Sustainable Development: The case of UCEM, UK
tacit knowledgeSupervisors’ Reliance on Tacit Knowledge and Impediments to Knowledge Sharing in Trades
tasksActive Learning Techniques in Understanding Risk Associated with Planning
Team SpiritAn Investigation into the Significant Causes of Disputes in the Sri Lankan Construction Industry
Technical specializationExploratory Study of MBAs With Technical Specializations in Construction and Project Management
TechnologyTeaching Construction Planning and Scheduling: Why, What, When, and How.
technology diffusionBarriers to Automation and Robotics in Construction
TerrestrialPoint-Cloud Models of Historical Barns – Spatial Discrepancies of Laser Scanning versus Robotic Total Station
time-sensitive projectsExploring the Synergy Between Lean Construction and Flash Track Implementation
trade professionalSupervisors’ Reliance on Tacit Knowledge and Impediments to Knowledge Sharing in Trades
trainingImmersive VR Modules for Construction Safety Education of Generation Z Students
TransportationA Conceptual Framework for Transportation Infrastructure Resilience Optimization
TrustBlockchain-based Information Sharing: A New Opportunity for Construction Supply Chains
UASEvaluating the Use of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) to Perform Low-Slope Roof Inspections
UAVAccuracy of Drone Image Based Volumetric Surveys
undergraduateEffects of Virtual Reality on Student Learning in Materials and Methods Course
UnionMarket Share Metrics and Data Analysis of the U.S. Union Electrical Construction Industry
Data-driven Assessment of Market Share Growth Factors of Union Electrical Contractors in the U.S.
Unmanned Aircraft SystemsiDUC: Solution to Address Common Challenges of State Agency Drone Deployment
Urban SurroundingsThe Influence of Immediate Urban Surroundings on Energy Performance of Historical Buildings
Virtual Field TripStudent Learning Assessment from a Virtual Field Trip
Virtual RealityStudent Learning Assessment from a Virtual Field Trip
Effects of Virtual Reality on Student Learning in Materials and Methods Course
Immersive VR Modules for Construction Safety Education of Generation Z Students
waste productsEvaluating the Feasibility of using Corn Ash and Wood Ash in Concrete in Florida
Work force developmentPilot Study for Understanding a Contributing Factor for a Decrease in Skilled Construction Labor