Biochemical Pathways: Understanding Plant Metabolism for Agricultural Advancements
EasyChair Preprint 13415
7 pages•Date: May 23, 2024Abstract
This paper provides an overview of fundamental biochemical pathways in plants, including
photosynthesis, respiration, nitrogen metabolism, and secondary metabolite biosynthesis. It
explores the regulatory mechanisms governing these pathways and their interactions with
environmental cues. Furthermore, the review discusses the application of systems biology
approaches, such as metabolic flux analysis (MFA), in unraveling the complexities of plant
metabolism. MFA enables quantitative assessment of metabolic fluxes, facilitating the
optimization of metabolic engineering strategies for crop improvement. Case studies highlight
the utilization of MFA in enhancing photosynthetic efficiency, nitrogen use efficiency, and stress
tolerance in crops. Moreover, the review underscores the importance of interdisciplinary
collaborations between plant biologists, biochemists, and agricultural scientists to harness the
full potential of plant metabolism for agricultural advancements. Researchers can develop
innovative solutions to address global food security challenges and promote sustainable
agriculture by leveraging our understanding of biochemical pathways.
Keyphrases: Biochemical, MFA, chemical