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The Application of Big Data Algorithm in the Personalized Management of Students by College Counselors

EasyChair Preprint 15733

7 pagesDate: January 18, 2025


The specific application of the students’ personal knowledge is one of the contents of university Counselors’ management of students; however, the traditional ant colony algorithm has certain limitations for solving accounting information problems, and its effect is relatively unsatisfactory. Therefore, this paper proposes a specific application in the students’ personal Counselors’ management of students the students’ personal knowledge of colleges and universities based on big data algorithm, and analyzes the specific application in the students’ personal Counselors’ management of students the students’ personal knowledge of colleges and universities. Firstly, Plan the relevant data in the business index to form an index system, which is convenient for later calculation. Big data is applied in various fields and is also suitable for implementation in personal Counselors’ management of students, and the results were comprehensively analyzed. The simulation results based on MATLAB show that under certain evaluation standards, the specific application scheme of the students’ personal knowledge based on the big data algorithm shows obvious advantages in terms of the accuracy of the specific application in the service and the processing time of the influencing factors of the specific application in the students’ personal knowledge, and can achieve more ideal results than the traditional ant colony algorithm.

Keyphrases: Universities Students, big data algorithms, data set theory

BibTeX entry
BibTeX does not have the right entry for preprints. This is a hack for producing the correct reference:
  author    = {Jing Gui},
  title     = {The Application of Big Data Algorithm in the Personalized Management of Students by College Counselors},
  howpublished = {EasyChair Preprint 15733},
  year      = {EasyChair, 2025}}
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